1.A) In the food chain I was bacteria. Protozoans are known to be an organism that eats bacteria the most. Also snails in the ocean live on a diet of bacteria. Bacteria eat everything from sugar to starch. Bacteria is on the bottom of the chain. However, it is still a very important organism. If this organism was to become extinct it would affect the rest of the chain. The whales would become extinct causing a chain reaction.
1.B) In class we did an activity involving everyone is the class. We all got assigned an organism then we had to create the food web. Many organisms depend on other organisms. Being reliant on other organisms can be tough. IF one organism was to die many other organisms would be affected.
2.A) Phytoplankton is very important in the food web. Although it is at the bottom of the web, many other organisms depend on it. Phytoplankton is one of the main producers in the food web. Phytoplankton takes up most of the earths surface considering it is found in the ocean. The ocean takes up most of the earths surface and that is where phytoplankton is found.
Energy Flow
This reduces energy transferred between different tropic levels. About 10% of net energy is produced through the tropic levels.
Human Impacts
Human impacts affect the ocean life a lot. Throwing trash on the ground harms the organisms that are living in the ocean. The things that we do affect the ocean and damage all the organisms in it. Considering the food web is a chain, once an organism get harmed it could lead to many other organisms being harmed as well.