Friday, December 6, 2013

Which way the wind blows

Explain what causes Earth's uneven heating, and contrast angled light rays with direct light rays. 

The earth has uneven heating because the earth is on an axis. The earth is tilted so that causes the sun to hit the earths surface unevenly. We did an assignment using a flashlight that referenced how the sun hit the earth. We titled the flashed causing the light from the flashlight to hit the paper having some parts have less light. I enjoyed doing this project because it helped me understand and visualize how the suns light actually hits the earth.

 Describe prevailing global wind patterns. Put perspective into the trade winds, the doldrums, the horse latitudes, and the westerlies by describing actual events. Write an opinion statement about what you learned from the "Global Wind Patterns" activity.

Trade winds are winds that come from the 30 degree line and move into the equator. The doldrum winds are the winds that blow horizontally on the 0 degree line or the equator.